
What time is it in Qatif


20 April 2024

What time is it in Qatif

Saudi Arabia

Qatif is a town located in Saudi Arabia whose capital is Riyad

What local time in Qatif : . Local Time: 20/04/2024 11:42:44
{0:CountryName} observe daylight saving time (Summer Hours / winter hours)Coordinated Universal Time UTC : 3 Hours 0 Minutes


Cities near to Qatif

Qatif0.00 km
'Ank5.95 km
Safwa11.97 km
Ras Tanura15.12 km
Dhahran31.49 km
Jubail61.41 km
Abqaiq79.10 km
Al Hufuf and Al Mubarraz136.73 km
Al Hufuf and Al Mubarraz142.00 km
Riyadh393.01 km