
What time is it in Dong Ha


30 March 2025

What time is it in Dong Ha


Dong Ha is a town located in Vietnam whose capital is Hanoi

la République socialiste du Vietnam hasn't daylight saving time (summer time / winter time)..
What local time in Dong Ha : . Local Time: 30/03/2025 06:53:47
{0:CountryName} does not observe daylight saving time (Summer Hours / winter hours). It will be the same timezone time all the year.Coordinated Universal Time UTC : 7 Hours 0 Minutes

Dong Ha

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Cities near to Dong Ha

Hue65.87 km
Dong Hoi91.01 km
Tam Ky202.43 km
Ha Tinh210.77 km
Vinh255.05 km
Quang Ngai261.68 km
Kon Tum289.46 km
Thanh Hoa359.07 km
Bim Son384.07 km
Ninh Binh398.61 km