
What time is it in Alice Springs


26 March 2025

What time is it in Alice Springs


Alice Springs is a town located in Australia whose capital is Canberra

(l') (fém.) hasn't daylight saving time (summer time / winter time)..
What local time in Alice Springs : . Local Time: 26/03/2025 14:31:38
{0:CountryName} does not observe daylight saving time (Summer Hours / winter hours). It will be the same timezone time all the year.Coordinated Universal Time UTC : 9 Hours 30 Minutes

Alice Springs

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Cities near to Alice Springs

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Adelaide1,326.00 km
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Mildura1,413.89 km
West End1,425.41 km
Parramatta Park1,448.93 km
Kalgoorlie1,454.83 km