
What time is it in Sint Pieters Leeuw


26 March 2025

What time is it in Sint Pieters Leeuw


Sint Pieters Leeuw is a town located in Belgium whose capital is Bruxelles

What local time in Sint Pieters Leeuw : . Local Time: 26/03/2025 08:30:12
{0:CountryName} observe daylight saving time (Summer Hours / winter hours)Coordinated Universal Time UTC : 1 Hours 0 Minutes

Sint Pieters Leeuw

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Cities near to Sint Pieters Leeuw

Sint Pieters Leeuw0.00 km
Beersel4.26 km
Halle5.10 km
Dilbeek7.73 km
City of Brussels10.85 km
Waterloo13.38 km
Braine l'Alleud13.79 km
Asse14.90 km
Ninove16.22 km
Grimbergen19.46 km